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Institute of Geography
Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
Home All articles & issues

Aim & scope

RjGEO is the journal of the Institute of Geography, issued under the aegis of the Romanian Academy, the most important scientific forum of Romania.
The journal publishes original articles and reviews, and brings out new quantitative and qualitative research findings on a wide range of subjects related to the geographic sciences.

The RjGEO aims is to encourage inter- and transdisciplinary communication among scientists in different fields, who share a common interest in geographical research. The journal mainly covers the following research topics:

• Geomorphology
• Climate change
• Land use/land cover change
• Biodiversity and conservation of natural resources
• Biogeography of plants and animals
• Natural and technological hazards
• Hydrology and hydrogeology
• Local and regional development
• Urbanization and the development of metropolitan areas
• Population changes and rural space
• Geopolitics and Political Geography
• Tourism development
• Transport system
• Energy resources and use
• Historical geography
• GIS and Remote sensing
• Environmental education

However, submissions related to other topics of geography are also welcome.