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Institute of Geography
Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
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Publishing Rules

Thank you for your interest in submitting a manuscript to the RjGEO journal.

Before submitting your manuscript for peer review, you are kindly requested to do the following:

• read our sections on Review process and Evaluation form;
• read our file regarding Publication ethics and malpractice statement;
• agree and comply with the Conflict of interest Disclosure statement and Author statement form. Both files should be filled in and sent to the Editorial Board;
• agree and comply with the General terms;
• agree and comply with the Copyright and licensing;
• ensure that your manuscript follows our Guidelines for manuscript format.


General Terms

• The work submitted for publication belongs exclusively to the declared authors;
• The work submitted for publication represents original scientific research;
• The work submitted has been approved by all authors;
• No results of other researchers were used in the submitted manuscript without their consent, proper citation, or acknowledgment of their cooperation or material provided;
• The work submitted will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0);
• The authors are aware that their submission may be checked for plagiarism;

• Submission of the manuscript for publication was completed in accordance with the journal's publishing rules. Please note that the paper may be desk-rejected, before peer-review, if it does not meet the criteria for publication in the RjGEO;
• The manuscripts must be written in English or French;
• The authors agree to the posting of the article on the journal's web page;
• All authors are aware that their personal data (name, affiliation, e-mail address) will be stored and processed exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal.

For any queries and questions, please contact igar@geoinst.ro.


Author Charges

There are no charges involved in publishing with the RjGEO.


Copyright and Licensing

The RjGEO publishes original papers which have not previously been published elsewhere, except in the form of abstract, poster presentation, PowerPoint presentation, conference proceedings, or similar formats that have not undergone a full journal peer review, or been submitted to other journals for review.
Copyright of the articles published in the RjGEO belongs to the author(s). The authors grant the RjGEO the right to publish the article and be recognised as the original publisher. Furthermore, the authors grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are clearly identified.

The RjGEO is an Open Access journal. All papers published in the journal are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license guarantees that, after online publication, the articles are freely available with unlimited access to anyone, in the entirety of their content, but require that users give credit to the creator. It allows others to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form and for noncommercial purposes only.


How to Submit

The manuscript should be submitted as a single Word file to be used in the refereeing process.

The manuscript will be sent to the Editorial Board together with the signed Conflict of interest Disclosure statement and Author statement form.

All files should be sent to the Editorial Board via e-mail at: igar@geoinst.ro and biancadumitrescu78@yahoo.com.