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Institute of Geography
Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
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Guest editors:
Dr. INES GRIGORESCU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. Carmen VÁZQUEZ VARELA, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Cuenca, Spain)

Papers / Études et communications

ANTONIO MARTÍNEZ-PUCHE, MARIA HERNÁNDEZ, Professional practice in local development: an exploratory approach in the Region of Valencia (Spain)

GEORGIA TSEVA, PAVLOS M. DELLADETSIMA, JOÃO SARMENTO, Towards an analytical framework for assessing the impact of culture-driven interventions on integrated local development planning: insights from the case study of Piraeus Avenue in Athens, Greece

MARÍA BAHAMONDE-RODRÍGUEZ, F. JAVIER GARCÍA-DELGADO, GIEDRE SADEIKAITE, Perception of local development and tourism in the vision of stakeholders in the Western Sierra Morena (Andalusia, Spain)

ROY SUBHAM KUMAR, KUMAR ANIRUDDH, Assessment of urban dynamics - a case study on Berhampore Municipality and its surroundings, West Bengal, India

ALMA POBRIC, MUNIBA OSMANOVIC, Competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to OECD

HALIDOU KAFANDO, BLAISE OUEDRAOGO, VINCENT N. OJEH, MIHAELA SIMA, Mapping the groundwater potential in Sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Loumbila commune, Burkina Faso

GEORGE TĂNASE, OANA MITITELU-IONUŞ, CRISTIANA VÎLCEA, MIHAELA LICURICI, SANDU BOENGIU, Spatial correlation between suffosion processes and land use in Sălcuţa Plain (Southwestern Romania)

IRYNA PATSEVA, VITALINA LUKIANOVA, YEVHENIIA ANPILOVA, LIUDMYLA MOHELNYTSKA, OLENA GERASIMCHUK, The ecological assessment of small rivers in Ukraine under conditions of intensive war impact


Past issues

Papers / Études et communications

RADU SĂGEATĂ, Emmanuel de Martonne et la frontière occidentale de la Roumanie (Emmanuel de Martonne and the Western Border of Romania)

MAGDALENA DRĂGAN, GABRIELA-ALINA MUREŞAN, SIMONA MĂLĂESCU, The impact of remote learning on a student-based rental market during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Case study: Cluj-Napoca, Romania (L'impact de l'enseignement en ligne sur un marché de location dépendant de logement étudiant pendant la pandémie de COVID-19)

MIHAELA SIMA, ALINA-ELENA PIŢIGOI, GICA PEHOIU, Teachers' perception on the inclusion of environmental education in primary school curricula. Case-study: Dâmboviţa County, Romania

HAZIR S. ÇADRAKU, Morphometric Analysis of Llap River watershed (Kosovo)

IBRAHIM MAMADOU, Savoirs locaux sur les risques de feux de brousse dans la commune de Tesker, région de Zinder au Niger (Local knowledge on the risks of bush fires in the municipality of Tesker, Zinder Region in Niger)

MOHAMED FILALI, BELKACEM DIB, Les activités économiques issues des changements d'usage des logements publics: élément intégrant du système de repérage pour les usagers des ensembles d'habitats (Constantine, Algérie) (The economic activities resulting from the changes in the use of public housing: an integral element of the tracking system for users of housing groups (Constantine, Algeria))

ALEXANDRU-MARIUS TĂTAR, Shaping urban space in Romania. Case study: the Bistriţa-Beclean urban axis

MERIEM BENLAHRECHE, SAID MAZOUZ, Impacts environnementaux et changements urbains dans la commune de Hamma Bouziane (Constantine, Algérie) (Environmental impacts and urban changes in the town of Hamma Bouziane (Constantine, Algeria)

Guest editors:

Papers of the Romanian-French Forum (2018) / Études et communications du Forum roumain-français (2018)

LILIANA ZAHARIA, FLORINA GRECU, GABRIELA IOANA-TOROIMAC, GABRIELA-ADINA MOROŞANU, Repères des relations géographiques franco-roumaines en climatologie, géomorphologie et hydrologie à l'Université de Bucarest (Franco-Romanian geographical relationships in climatology, geomorphology and hydrology at the University of Bucharest)

CLAUDIA POPESCU, IRENA MOCANU, BIANCA MITRICĂ, NICOLETA DAMIAN, La Vallée du Danube roumain - entre le regard d'Emmanuel de Martonne et les transformations actuelles (The Romanian Danube Valley - between Emmanuel de Martonne's approach and the current changes)

NICOLAE POPA, JEAN SOUMAGNE, Permanences géographiques dans les relations Banat - Anjou (Geographical permanence in Banat - Anjou relations)

Papers / Études et communications

POMPEI COCEAN, SORIN FILIP, NICOLETA DAVID, Repulsive cultural landscapes as areas of risk and vulnerability

HALIMA GHERRAZ, DJAMEL ALKAMA, L'estimation de l'impact des espaces verts et des surfaces d'eau sur le climat urbain et la temperature de surface du sol (Mila, Algérie) (Quantifying the impact of green spaces and water bodies on urban climate and land surface temperature (Mila, Algeria))

NICOLETA LARISSA STOIA, IOAN-CRISTIAN IOJĂ, SIMONA R. GRĂDINARU, Could urban green space management in Mehedinţi County be conducted following green infrastructure planning principles?

RAHMAN NURKOVIC, Transformation of old industrial areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina

RADHWANE BOUKELOUHA, PIERRE GAUTHIER, Marchabilité en contextes urbains algériens traditionnel et contemporain: caractérisation de l'accessibilité piétonne à Constantine et Ali Mendjeli à l'aide de l'Index Walk Score™ (Walkability in Algerian traditional and new urban contexts: characterizing pedestrian accessibility in Constantine and Ali Mendjeli, using the Walk Score™ Index)

SAADA MERIEM, HAMOUDA ABIDA, Habitat rural: vers un nouveau fonctionnement de la ruralité - cas de la commune de Tigharghar (Aures - Algérie) (Rural settlement: towards a new functioning of the rurality - case of the town of Tigharghar (Aures - Algeria))

Guest editors:

Papers of the Romanian-French Forum (2018) / Études et communications du Forum roumain-français (2018)

IRENA MOCANU, LYDIA COUDROY DE LILLE, NATHALIE LEMARCHAND, Collaboration roumaine-française en géographie. Introduction (The Romanian-French collaboration in Geography. Introduction)

VIOLETTE REY, Des chiffres, des cartes... et toujours la pratique du terrain: une expérience française sur la géographie de la Roumanie (Numbers, maps... and the ever-present fieldwork: a French take on Romanian geography)

EMMANUELLE BOULINEAU, LYDIA COUDROY DE LILLE, La coopération scientifique entre France et Roumanie vue à travers la production doctorale (Scientific cooperation between France and Romania as seen through the issue of doctoral theses)

BÉATRICE VON HIRSCHHAUSEN, "Le fantôme" du Vieux Royaume dans la Roumanie contemporaine. Pour une géographie des imaginaires du futur ("The phantom" of the Old Kingdom in modern-day Romania. For a geographic approach to the imaginings of the future)

OCTAVIAN GROZA, ALEXANDRU RUSU, Histoires cartographiques franco-roumaines (Franco-Romanian cartographic stories)

Papers / Études et communications

IONEL MUNTELE, MARINELA ISTRATE, FLORINA BUNDUC (BABII), Educational disparities in Romania. A multilevel analysis of the national assessment examination succes rate

BRAJ RAJ KUMAR SINHA, Health inequality among rural people in Eastern India

PAUL-RĂZVAN ŞERBAN, The demographic decline in Maramureş region (Romania) throughout the post-communist period

DANIELA-GABRIELA CIMBRU, Land use/land cover changes assessment in the Tazlău hydrographic basin

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Papers / Études et communications

IONEL MUNTELE, COSTEL-COSMIN SÎRBU, IONUŢ-VASILE OSTOPOVICI, Historical Moldavia - from demographic expansion to a shrinking region

DORU ADRIAN LIXANDRU, L'invention de la "Grande" Roumanie: nationalisme territorial et pratique géographique jusqu'au lendemain de la Première Guerre Mondiale (Greater Romania - an invention: territorial nationalism and geographical practice until the First World War came to an end)

GABRIELA MUNTEANU, POMPEI COCEAN, The sacred sites of Transylvania

GHOSAL SOMNATH, GHOSH MANORANJAN, Living with insecurity: a critical examination of the environmental problems linked with social problems in rural West Bengal, India

ZEEV GREENBERG, SARA ARNON, SHMUEL SHAMAI, YITZHAK SCHNELL, Women's entrepreneurship and small businesses in rural settlements in the Israeli Northern periphery

GABRIELA MOROŞANU, GISELE VERNIERS, LILIANA ZAHARIA, Evaluation de la qualité physique de la rivière Coşuştea (Bassin de Jiu) par la méthode Téléos (Assessing the physical quality of the Cosustea River (Jiu River Basin) by the Téléos method)

HASAN CUKUR, RAZIYE CAKICIOGLU OBAN, HEDIYE ARZU GOKCE GUNDUZOGLU, Land use suitability analysis of the Ulubey Canyon (Usak - Turkey) and its surroundings

CHEIKH FAYE, AMADOU ABDOUL SOW, EL HADJI SALIF DIOP, Caractérisation des effets du barrage de Manantali sur le régime hydrologique du fleuve Sénégal (The effects of the Manantali Dam on the water regime of the Senegal River. Characteristic features)

Scientific life / La vie scientifique

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Guest editors:

Papers / Études et communications

JERZY BANSKI, INES GRIGORESCU, Presents and futures of local and regional development. Multi-level interdisciplinary approaches within international context

BIANCA MITRICĂ, IRENA MOCANU, MONICA DUMITRAŞCU, INES GRIGORESCU, Is the Romanian Danube Valley a cohesive region? A geographical approach

JELENA MILANKOVIC JOVANOV, SMILJANA DUKICIN VUCKOVIC, LJUBICA IVANOVNIC BIBIC, Possibilities for the development of the Lower Danube sector in the Republic of Serbia

INES GRIGORESCU, GHEORGHE KUCSICSA, ELENA-ANA POPOVICI, BIANCA MITRICĂ, MONICA DUMITRAŞCU, IRENA MOCANU, Regional disparities in the urban sprawl phenomenon in Romania using Corine Land Cover database

GIACOMO CAVUTA, DANTE DI MATTEO, FABRIZIO FERRARI, MARINA FUSCHI, Abruzzo as a two-faced region: between vulnerability and environmental safeguard

RAHMAN NURKOVIC, Rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the influence of local communities

SMILJANA ÐUKICIN VUCKOVIC, JASMINA DORDEVIC, JELENA MILANKOVIC JOVANOV, LJUBICA IVANOVIC BIBIC, TIJANA ÐORÐEVIC, Socio-economic characteristics as limiting factors of regional development. The case of Kolubara District, Republic of Serbia

NICOLETA DAMIAN, RADU SAGEATĂ, Ethnical minorities in the Romanian sector of Dobrogea

FLORIN-ALEXANDRU ZAHARIA, ANA-MARIA TALOŞ, Evaluating the spatial connectivity degree of the Dobrogea settlement network

TRIARKO NURLAMBANG, The effectiveness of decentralization in Indonesia. A case-study of the development of a marginal area by local authorities

Scientific life / La vie scientifique

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Guest editors:
Prof. Anthony Lehmann, Dr. Monica Dumitrascu, Prof. Seval Sozen

Papers / Études et communications

ANTHONY LEHMANN, SEVAL SOZEN, MONICA DUMITRAŞCU, Addressing societal challenges in the Black Sea Catchment through Innovative Earth Observation System of Systems

ADRIAN CONSTANTINESCU, JENICĂ HANGANU, ANTHONY LEHMANN, NICOLAS RAY, Assessment of Romanian alpine habitats spatial shifts based on climate change prediction scenarios

YEVGEN GAZYETOV, ROMAN SIZO, The Delta coastline dynamics for the Danube Northern arm over the period 1986-2011

PETRE GÂŞTESCU, ION GRIGORAŞ, Morphological changes on the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve coast - actual synthesis

MONICA DUMITRAŞCU, INES GRIGORESCU, GHEORGHE KUCSICSA, MIHAI DOROFTEI, MIHAELA NĂSTASE, CARMEN SOFIA DRAGOTĂ, Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. A geographical approach

ALIYE GONCA BOZKAYA, FILIZ BEKTAS BALCIK, CIGDEM GOKSEL, AHMET OZGUR DOGRU, NESIBE NECLA ULUGTEKIN, SEVAL SOZEN, Satellite-based multitemporal change detection in Igneada flooded forests

YEVGEN MAKAROVSKIY, VIKTORIIA ZINYCH, Wind energy potential assessment of Ukraine

ALEKSANDR CHEROY, OLEG DYAKOV, ELENA ZHMUD, VERONIKA PRYKHODKO, Ecological state of the marine edge of the Kilia Delta of the Danube in 2011-2012

SERGII SNIGIROV, Biodiversity of ichthyofauna in the Dnister Delta

BIANCA MITRICĂ, Changes in the dynamics and demographic structures of the Romanian urban population. An overview of the post-comunist period

Scientific life / La vie scientifique

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Papers / Études et communications

ALEXANDRU UNGUREANU, Les efforts de Simion Mehedinţi pour rendre la Roumanie mieux connue au-delà des frontières (Simion Mehedinţi`s efforts in order to make Romania better known for the foreigners)


VIORICA DIMA, Foehn over the Eastern Carpathians characterised by a Western circulation of anticyclonic shade. Case study, 4-6 February, 2011

RADU SĂGEATĂ, MIRCEA BUZA, Die Industrieentwicklung und das Organisieren des städtischen Raumes im Rumänischen Sektor der Unteren Donau. Der Studienfall: Galaţi (Industrial development and urban space organisation in the Romanian sector of the Danube. Case study: Galaţi City)

AKAKBA AHMED, KALLA MAHDI, DRIDI HADDA, FILLALI ABDELWAHHAB, Modelisation du plan d'urbanisme de la ville d'El Eulma (Algérie). Apport de l'intelligence territoriale dans la gouvernance urbaine (Modelling the urbanism plan of El Eulma town (Algeria). The contribution of territorial knowhow to urban governance)

BENYAHIA LAMIA, DRIDI HADDA, NACEUR FARIDA, La perception des dysfonctionnements du développement urbain vue par les habitants de Batna (Algérie) (Perception of dysfunctions in the urban development view of Batna inhabitants (Algeria))

ZAHRA ARZJANI, KHADIJEH HOMAY SALEHI, The role of small industrial enterprises in rural women employment: Farmihan rural district - Tafresh small province, Iran

DRAGOŞ BAROIU, PAUL RĂZVAN ŞERBAN, Elements d'organisation de l'espace de Sud de la Bucovine (Elements of space organisation in south Bucovina)

TUDOR DINU, Le cadre géographique de Bucarest à l'époque phanariote (1716-1821) (The geographical framework of Bucharest during the Phanariot period (1716-1821))

In memoriam

Papers / Études et communications

DAN BĂLTEANU, DIANA DOGARU, Geographical perspectives on human-environment relationships and anthropic pressure indicators

MONICA DUMITRAŞCU, INES GRIGORESCU, GHEORGHE KUCSICSA, CARMEN-SOFIA DRAGOTĂ, MIHAELA NĂSTASE, Non-native and native invasive terrestrial plant species in Comana Natural Park. Case-studies: Amorpha fruticosa and Crataegus monogyna

ŞTEFAN BILAŞCO, CSABA HORVATH, GHEORGHE ROŞIAN, FILIP SORIN, IULIUS EDUARD KELLER, Statistical model using GIS for the assessment of landslide susceptibility. Case-study: the Someş Plateau (GIS-statistisches Modell zur Bewertung der Gebietsverwundbarkeit für Erdrutschen. Fallstudie Someş Hochebene)

GAVIN BOWD, Emmanuel de Martonne et la naissance de la Grande Roumanie (Emmanuel de Martonne and the birth of Greater Romania)

OCTAVIAN ŞELARIU, The Black Sea continental shelf. Studies and research of marine hydrography and hydrology in the second half of the 20th century (Études et recherches de hydrographie et de hydrologie marine dans la plate-forme continentale du secteur roumain de la mer Noire pendant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle)

DANIEL IOSIF, Les saxons de Transylvanie et leurs églises fortifiées: un riche patrimoine culturel de la Roumanie (Saxons from Transylvania and their fortified churches: a rich cultural heritage of Romania)

National Symposium of Geomorphology, May 19-21, 2011, Craiova (Mihai Micu)

International Conference ”Challenges and performance of post socialist tourism in Central Eastern European countries”, May, 26-28, 2011, Bucharest (Nicoleta Damian)

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Chronicle / Chronique

Papers / Études et communications

IRENA MOCANU, General job-exchanges in Romania. A comparative spatial analysis of vacancy supply and demand before and during the current economic-financial crisis (Les bourses générales d'emplois en Roumanie. Analyse spatiale comparative de la demande et de l'offre d'emplois pendant la crise économique-financière actuelle)

NICOLETA DAMIAN, Unemployment and poverty in the Danube Delta settlements. Territorial disparities (Différenciation territoriales du chômage et de la pauvreté dans les localités du Delta du Danube)

MIRCEA BUZA, On the origins and historical evolution of toponymy on the territory of Romania (Der Ursprung und die historische Entwicklung der Ortsnamen auf dem Territorium Rumäniens)

ŞTEFANIA MANEA, VIRGIL SURDEANU, IOAN RUS, Anthropogenic changes on landforms in the upper and middle sectors of Strei basin (Modifications anthropiques sur le relief dans le bassin supérieur et moyen du Strei)

OCTAVIA BOGDAN, ION MARINICĂ, LOREDANA-ELENA MIC, Characteristics of the 2007 canicular summer in Romania (Die Merkmale der Gluthitze aus dem Sommer des Jahres 2007 in Rumänien)

GHEORGHE KUCSICSA, Considerations on the timberline in the Rodna Mountains National Park (Betrachtungen über die obere Waldgrenze im Nationalpark der Rodna-Gebirge)

The International Geographical Union Regional Conference, July 12-16, 2010, Tel Aviv, Israel (Ines Grigorescu)

Plurel Conference: Managing the Urban-Rural Interface, Strategies and Tools for Urban Development and Sustainable Peri- urban Land Use Relationships, 19-22 October, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark (I. G.)

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Papers / Études et communications

DAN BĂLTEANU, ELENA-ANA POPOVICI, Land use changes and land degradation in post-socialist Romania (Changements dans l´utilisation des terrains et la dégradation des terrains dans la Roumanie post-socialiste)

IONEL MUNTELE, La Roumanie au bout de la transition démographique: disparités et convergences régionales (Romania at the end of demographic transition: regional disparities and convergences)

NICOLAE MUICĂ, DAVID TURNOCK, Settlements and toponomy in the Pătârlagele Depression: the Pănătău and Sibiciu localities (Villages et toponymie dans la dépression de Pătârlagele: les localités Pănătău et Sibiciu)

MIHAELA DANIELA PREDA, Ethnic affiliation, a problem in assessing the Gypsy (Roma) population in the 2002 census. Case-study – Oltenia, Romania (L´affiliation ethnique – un problème dans l´évaluation de la population tzigane (roma) dans le recensement de 2002. Étude de cas – Olténie, Roumanie)

NICOLAE FLOREA, Loess was formed, but not sedimented (Le loess s´est formé, mais il ne s´est pas déposé)

OLGA BĂLTESCU, Le rôle de l´infrastructure de transport dans la fragmentation des paysages naturels des Réserves Naturelles l´Epicéa de Résonance de Lãpuşna (les Carpates Orientales) et les Hauts de Chartreuse (les Alpes Françaises) (The transport infrastructure and its role in landscape crumbling in Lãpuşna Resonance Spruce (Eastern Carpathians) and Les hauts de Chartreuse (French Alps) nature reserves))

IOAN DONISĂ, ALEXANDRU UNGUREANU, Geography in Iaşi at the 150th anniversary of the «Alexandru I. Cuza» University (La géographie à Iaşi au 150e anniversaire de l´Université ´Alexandru I. Cuza´)

The Annual Meeting of the Romanian National Geographical Committee, Bucharest, January 16, 2010 (Bianca Dumitrescu)

International Summer School "Natural Hazards and Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions" (Pătârlagele, Buzău County, July 19-25, 2010) (Loredana-Elena Mic)

The Seventh Romanian-Turkish Geographical Seminar, Antalya, Turkey, June 1-9, 2010 (Nicoleta Damian)

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Papers / Études et communications

IRENA MOCANU, Territorial assessment of institutional actors and tools in governance of the Romanian labour market (L'approche territoriale des acteurs institutionnels et des instruments pour la gouvernance du marché du travail en Roumanie)

NICOLAE MUICA, DAVID TURNOCK, Historical geography of settlements in the Patârlagele Depression: the cartographic evidence from the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Les établissements ruraux de la dépression de Patârlagele: la géographie historique pendant la période depuis 1850 avec regard pour l'évidence cartographique)

RADU SĂGEATA, BIANCA DUMITRESCU, INES GRIGORESCU, The politics and its role in the configuration of architectural layers. A case-study: Bucharest (La politique et son rôle dans la création de couches architecturales. Etude de cas: Bucarest)

IOAN SEBASTIAN JUCU, Particularities of the functional profile and urban relations in post-socialist Lugoj Municipality (Quelques considérations sur le spécifique du profil fonctionnel et des relations urbaines dans la période post-socialiste de la municipalité de Lugoj)

SORIN PAVEL, The morpho-structure of Arad City and current problems of urban development (La morphostructure de la ville d'Arad et les problèmes actuels du développement urbain)

GABRIELA POPOVICIU, An analysis of developments in the Bihor (RO)- Hajdú-Bihar (H) Euroregion (Analyse du développement de l'Eurorégion de Bihor (Roumanie) et Hajdu-Bihar (Hongrie))

POMPILIU MIŢĂ, SIMONA MĂTREAŢĂ, Types of hydric regime in the small river basins from Romania in terms of annual average flow variation (Types de régime hydrique à l'échelle des petits bassins hydrographiques en Roumanie)

NICOLAE RUSAN, Wind energy potential in the East of Romania (Le potentiel énergétique éolien de l'est de la Roumanie)

A young researchers' Workshop on Integrated environment and sustainable development research, December 4, 2009 (Loredana-Elena Mic)

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Papers / Études et communications

PETRE GÂŞTESCU, The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Geography, Biodiversity, Protection, Management (La Réserve de la Biosphére du Delta du Danube. Géographie, Biodiversité, Protection, Administration)

NICOLETA DAMIAN, BIANCA DUMITRESCU, Sustainable development prospects for the Danube Delta rural communities (Les perspectives de développement durable des communautés rurales dans le Delta du Danube)

JEAN-NOËL SALOMON, Inondations torrentielles en zones montagneuses afférentes au Golfe du Mexique (Severe flooding in mountain areas near the Gulf of Mexico)

BLAZ KOMAC, MATIJA ZORN, Statistical landslide susceptibility modeling on a national scale: the example of Slovenia (Statistische Modellierung der Erdrutschungsgefahr auf der nationaler Ebene: das Beispiel von Slowenien)

VLADIMIR BOYNAGRYAN, Landslides of Armenia (Erdrutschungen in Armenien)

HAGEN KARL, ANDRECS PETER, Hazard assessment of landslides based on comprehensive documentation - analyses and experiences of the event in Gasen and Haslau 2005 (Austria) ((Abschätzung der Rutschungsnaturgefahr auf Grund einer umfassenden Dokumentation - Analysen und Erfahrungen für die Ereignisse in Gasen und Haslau 2005 (Österreich))

SORIN GEACU, The wolf populations (Canis lupus L., Mammalia, Carnivora) in Romania and the human impact over the last two centuries (Die Wolfbevölkerungen (Canis lupus L., Mammalia, Carnivora) aus Rumänien und die anthropische Wirkung gegen dieser in den letzten zwei Jahrhunderte)

IONEL MUNTELE, Urbanisation et contreurbanisation dans l'Europe d'après-guerre (Urbanisation and counterurbanisation in post-war Europe)

IOAN IANOŞ, ILINCA VALENTINA STOICA, Elements of centrality dynamics in Buzău city (Eléments concernant la dynamique de la centralité de la ville de Buzău)

NICOLAE MUICĂ, DAVID TURNOCK, Historical geography of settlements in the Pătârlagele Depression: the early cartographic evidence (La géographie historique des établissements de la dépression subcarpatique de Pătârlagele: évidence cartographique pour la période jusqu'à 1850)

ION CIOROIU, Geodemographical aspects of the Armenian population in Moldavia in the 19th century (Geodemographische Aspekte der Armenierbevölkerung vom Moldau im 19. Jahrhundert)

Le voyage d'études en Roumanie de la Société Française de Géographie, mai 2008 (Alexandru Ungureanu)

UN/ICA Week of Geographical Names in Timişoara, Timişoara, 9-13 September 2008 (Bianca Dumitrescu)

Romanian-Turkish Geographical Seminar Present-Day Environmental Changes in Romania and Turkey, 5-14 June 2009 (Bianca Dumitrescu)

Book reviews / Comptes rendus

Papers / Études et communications


IONEL MUNTELE, Définir le statut urbain en Roumanie à l'aide des critères pertinents (The definition of the urban status in Romania according to pertinent criterias)

JÖRG BECKER, WILFRIED HELLER, Migration without integration? Polish seasonal labour migrants in today's Germany (Wanderungen ohne Integrierung? Saisonbedingte polnische Arbeitswanderer in dem heutigen Deutschland)

REMUS CREŢAN, DAVID TURNOCK, The Gypsy minority in Romania: a study in marginality (La minorité tsigane en Roumanie: une étude dans la marginalité)

ERIC FOUACHE, CÉCILE FOUACHE, CHRISTINE SYREN, Le «Sickness Country» (Parc de Kakadu, Australie): entre mythe, réalité et mise en valeur touristique («Sickness Country») (Park Kakadu, Australia): between myth, reality and tourism potential)

LILIANA ZAHARIA, Identification de régions homogènes du point de vue hydrologique. Étude de cas: la région de la Courbure de l'Arc Carpatique (Identification of homogeneous hydrological regions. Case study: the Carpathian Curvature region)

MILAN LEHOTSKÝ, JÁN NOVOTNÝ, JACEK SZMANDA, Flooding and geomorphic evolution of modern floodplain - Case study of the Danube river downstream of the Devinska Gate (Les crues et l'évolution géomorphologique de la plaine alluviale moderne - Étude de cas le Danube aval de Devinska Brána (la Porte de Devin))

ERICH STOCKER, Geomorphic responses to landuse changes on steep slopes in timberline environment; Central Alps, Austria (Veränderungen geomorphologischer Prozesse und Formen als Reaktion auf den Nutzungswandel an steilen Almflächen im Bereich der Waldgrenze; Zentralalpen, Österreich)

ZOFIA RACZKOWSKA, Differentiation of present-day periglacial relief in high mountains of Europe (La différenciation du relief périglaciare contemporain des hautes montagnes de l'Europe)

ALEXANDRU NEDELEA, RĂZVAN OPREA, FLORIN ACHIM, LAURA COMĂNESCU, Cryo-nival modeling system. Case study: Bucegi Mountains and Făgăraş Mountains (Système de modéle cryo-nival. Étude de cas: les Monts Bucegi et les Monts Făgăraş)

La Conférence Régionale de l'Association Internationale de Géomorphologie, Braşov, 15-26 septembre 2008 (Marta Jurchescu)

International Summer School Natural Hazards and Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (Patârlagele, Buzau County, 20-25 September 2008) (Mihai Micu)

The Romanian-Polish Seminar Central Europe - Socio-Economic Disparities, Rural and Regional Development, Bucharest, September 18, 2008 (Claudia Popescu)

Book reviews / Comptes rendus