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Institute of Geography
Publishing House of the Romanian Academy
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Prof. DAN BĂLTEANU, member of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)


Prof. ALEXANDRU UNGUREANU, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy (Iaşi, Romania)
Dr. BIANCA MITRICĂ, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)

Managing Editorial Board:

Dr. MONICA DUMITRAŞCU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. SORIN GEACU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. MIHAELA SIMA, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. GHEORGHE KUCSICSA, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)

Scientific secretariat:

Dr. MIHAELA PERSU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. ŞTEFAN BILAŞCO, Cluj-Napoca Branch, Romanian Academy (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Dr. PAUL ŞERBAN, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)

Scientific Advisory Board:

Prof. PIETRO AUCELLI, University of Naples "Parthenope" (Naples, Italy)
Prof. JERZY BANSKI, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland)
Dr. LUCIAN BADEA, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. SANDU BOENGIU, University of Craiova (Craiova, Romania)
Dr. IURIE BEJAN, Institute of Ecology and Geography (Chişinău, Republic of Moldova)
Prof. POMPEI COCEAN, Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Prof. LILIANA DUMITRACHE, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. SNEZANA DURDIC, University of Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia)
Prof. PETRE GÂŞTESCU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Dr. INES GRIGORESCU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. IOAN IANOŞ, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. CORNELIU IAŢU, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iaşi, Romania)
Prof. ALEXANDRU ILIEŞ, University of Oradea (Oradea, Romania)
Prof. THEDE KAHL, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
Prof. ANTHONY LEHMANN, University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland)
Prof. NATHALIE LEMARCHAND, Paris 8 University (Paris, France)
Prof. DENES LOCZI, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Pécs (Pécs, Hungary)
Dr. EUGENIA MARUNIAK, Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Prof. WOLFRAM MAUSER, Ludwig-Maximilians University, honorary member of the Romanian Academy (Munich, Germany)
Dr. DANIEL MICHNIAK, Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Dr. IRENA MOCANU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. IONEL MUNTELE, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iaşi, Romania)
Prof. SILVIU NEGUŢ, Academy of Economic Studies (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. DĂNUŢ PETREA, Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Prof. CLAUDIA POPESCU, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. VIOLETTE REY, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, honorary member of the Romanian Academy (Lyon, France)
Prof. VIOREL RUSU, Iaşi Branch, Romanian Academy (Iaşi, Romania)
Prof. MICHAEL SOFER, Bar-Ilan University (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Dr. RADU SĂGEATĂ, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania)
Prof. MILADA STASTNÁ, Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic)
Prof. PETRU URDEA, West University of Timişoara, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy (Timişoara, Romania)
Prof. Carmen VÁZQUEZ VARELA, University of Castilla-La Mancha (Cuenca, Spain)
Assoc. Prof. GEORGI ZHELEZOV, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)